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5 Different Ways to Pop the Perfect Popcorn

Making fresh popcorn is exciting for all ages. Watching those kernels explode and jump in the air is always fun, whether it’s your first time or your hundredth time. But did you know you can make the experience different every time?

Try these different ways to pop your popcorn and experience something new with every bowl.


1. Pop in the microwave.

One of the easiest ways to make popcorn is in the microwave. If you have a store-bought bag, it’s extra easy to pop in the microwave! 

But if you have fresh kernels at home, you can just as easily mix them with a little bit of oil and place them in your own brown lunch bag to microwave for 2-4 minutes.

You can also put them in a tempered glass bowl with a microwavable plate as a cover and microwave for 3-5 minutes.

2. Pop on the stovetop.

To make popcorn on the stove, start by placing a wide skillet over a large burner.  Add 1-2 T. of oil and ½ c. of kernels to the skillet. Place a lid on the skillet and turn on the burner. A clear lid is best so you can see the kernels pop!

Give the skillet a good shake every few seconds while holding the lid in place. Remove from heat once the popping slows down or stops.

3. Pop on the grill.

A less conventional way to make popcorn is on the grill. Add 3 T. oil and 1 c. kernels to a disposable aluminum pan. Then cover it loosely with a sheet of tinfoil. Cook it on the grill until popping slows or stops. Use tongs to shake the container a few times as it cooks.

4. Pop over a campfire.

Maybe the most exciting way to pop popcorn is over a campfire! For this method, mix your kernels with a bit of oil and place them in a stainless steel sieve.

Cover the top of the sieve with aluminum foil so the popcorn can’t pop out. You will still be able to see your kernels pop through the holes in the sieve. 

You can also simply form a makeshift bag using aluminum foil, place your kernels and oil inside, and attach it to a marshmallow stick to hold over the campfire, or even hold a pot over the fire.

5. Pop on the cob.

You might not know it, but you can even pop popcorn on the cob! Just use dried corn on the cob and place a single ear of corn in a brown paper lunch bag.

Fold over opening over a couple of times then microwave for 2-4 minutes. Wait to hear the popping stop or slow.

However you choose to pop your popcorn, we hope you enjoy!


And don’t forget to try our Showtime Cake Pops for more popcorn-themed fun!